Oral Health - Delaware AAP

Resources, articles, and programs for family oral health.

Delaware Oral Health Coalition

The mission of the Delaware Oral Health Coalition is to provide leadership and advocacy so that the people of Delaware can access affordable, quality oral health care. Emphasis is placed on prevention and early diagnosis as they contribute to total health and well being. The mission will be achieved through:

  • A committed group of individuals and organizations seeking to improve oral health in Delaware.
  • Innovative action and results that can be operationally and financially sustained.
  • Partnerships that influence or legislate change.
  • Collaborative opportunities for service delivery, health promotion, and research.


The Delaware Oral Health Coalition envisions: Delaware, the First State, to ensure optimal oral health for everyone!

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Children’s Oral Health

Yet many children and their families have trouble accessing oral health care and pediatricians may not know where to turn to help them.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Oral Health (SOOH) and Chapter Oral Health Advocates provide education, training, and advocacy for pediatricians, dentists, other health professionals, and families.

The importance of improving children’s oral health and strategies to do so are included in the Academic Pediatrics Special Issue on Children’s Oral Health.

Together we can make a difference by improving communication and collaboration between the medical and dental homes and making pediatricians and other health professionals an essential part of the oral health team!

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CDC – Children – Division of Oral Health

Tooth decay (cavities) is one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood in the United States. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning.

The good news is that tooth decay is preventable. Fluoride varnish, a high concentration fluoride coating that is painted on teeth, can prevent about one-third (33%) of decay in the primary (baby) teeth.2 Children living in communities with fluoridated tap water have fewer decayed teeth than children who live in areas where their tap water is not fluoridated.3 Similarly, children who brush daily with fluoride toothpaste will have less tooth decay.4

Applying dental sealants to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth is another way to prevent tooth decay. Studies in children show that sealants reduce decay in the permanent molars by 81% for 2 years after they are placed on the tooth and continue to be effective for 4 years after placement.

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